I'll never break myself of the habit of naming my blog posts after songs. Its usually the first one that occurs to me, typically, something thats been resonating in my head throughout the course of a day, a week. This is probably my 6th blog, and will probably go the same way as the rest of them. I am a lazy creature, something I will never be able to break myself of. But here goes.
I'm not entirely sure what this blog will become. I've wanted to start a poetry blog for years, but now I can't write: I haven't written anything in almost a year, and if I manage to squeeze out a few words they're just acidic and sour. I don't like the things that come out of my head anymore; I sort of keep them tucked away. I have a fear of revealing anything too personal now, for some reason. You'll learn about me. Whoever you are. I will try to post some of my older poetry here, or if I find words now that don't slip away I'll make a little net for them here.
Other things I do like: I love to learn. I love science. I will probably post some articles or interesting things I've found in my studies here. I don't know what to do with my life yet. I'm in my early 20s so thats no big surprise; I want to be a nurse or a biologist. I want to take care of living things, I want to learn everything about them from the inside out.
I've wanted to be a psychiatric nurse for awhile, but that idea frightens me now, I'm as frightened by the things inside people's heads as I am annoyed by the things inside my own. Its impossible to completely know another human being; people usually lie, even if they don't know they're doing it. Its human nature. If and when the time comes I'll decide whether or not thats a road I want to go down.
Thats enough for a start I think.
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