Thursday, August 4, 2011

anatomically correct

I'm having such a hard week. Not because anything crazy is happening in the least, no worries, I just feeling like I haven't stopped all week! Its all very productive and useful, but I feel very drained by it. This week I've:

- gotten up at 7am three times, tomorrow will be the 4th (not used to this at all anymore, and I still go to bed at 2am every night, er, morning)
- taken the bus about 5 times, which is never fun
- walked for about 4 hours total (no big deal, but i can't even explain how lazy i am lately... walking to the bathroom is an effort for me sometimes)
- volunteered at the regatta with planned parenthood doing this lottery type thing; i spent almost 5 hours yelling at crowds of people at the top of my voice and stayed an hour and a half later than i was supposed to (because i was late and felt bad)
- gone to 1 class... for under a minute (to hand in a paper)
- gotten a TB vaccination which i had to walk/bus down to Water Street for, twice (and I have to return next week)
- worked for 12 hours, so far... today will make it 18, 25 total by midnight on Saturday 
- slept for fewer hours than I'll be working this week
- tomorrow, have to arise early again for four hours of volunteer training at Planned Parenthood

Its all extremely productive and working towards, essentially, my PCA program this fall and my hopeful future RN degree. I comfort myself with images of myself wearing expensive winter coats and new glasses and being able to buy enough groceries to feed 6 people when I'm making over twice the amount of money per hour that I am now. Its a nice image, really. Also, being super duper productive feels a lot better than sitting on the couch in my bathrobe watching reruns of Glee and the Tudors. 

The best part about today: I had delicious coffee downtown at Chatters by myself in the fog, and it was nice and quiet and pretty. Also, I went to Afterwards Secondhand Bookstore and found a copy of "Gray's Anatomy" (the medical textbook, not the series) and a random textbook about zoology from the '40s. I realize I am a nerd, but you don't know how pleased I am - I've wanted a copy of Gray's forever and I got both of these books for under $20! Sometimes I miss living so close to downtown. 



  1. I know this was all about what's draining you, but this whole post excited me! Every single thing is work that is making your dreams come true! I'm so proud of you!

    And I'm really jealous of you book finds, can we go together sometime soon? We should have a downtown day next week (if the weather cooperates) and just have lunch and go to the bookstore and the art store and bring Daniel and have fun! ♥

    I LOVE YOU. YOU MAKE ME SO PROUD. You're doing a better job at growing up than I am. :)

  2. Awww I love you Sarah <3 Its hard work but I'm getting 'er done, b'y. I'd adore a downtown date, yes yes yes! WEAR THE HAT PLZ (so flippin' happy you got it, w00t.)
