Thursday, July 21, 2011

ventricular diastole

Today is a good day so far. I woke up to little kisses and warm coffee, spent the morning studying and drawing weird little pictures, and then wrote my last anthropology exam of the semester, yay! The course doesn't have a final, thank god. It was two essay questions which I wrote very long, incoherent pieces for but like with most essays I'm hoping my good writing and ability to bullshit like a pro wins out. I was kind of rotted because he gave everybody a chance to look over their notes beforehand, which gave people that had notes (not I!) an unfair advantage. Silly summer semester. I shall not miss you. I have 1/3 of my final essays complete, another half done, and the first one has been contemplated. And as for finals - one take home essay assignment thing, and a political science final on August 11th. I guess I really can't complain.

I like biology and anatomy, I like it a lot. So I was pretty delighted when I found THIS website which is full of cute little pieces of anatomically correct jewelry! Like this pretty little heart necklace that I want around my neck immediately.

SO PRETTY! They also have earrings shape like neurons and lots of other fun math and science stuff. Oh, fun jewelry how I adore thee.

In other news, I've started writing and painting lots again and I'm loving every moment of it! I guess its because I've been so bored and thoughtful lately, but whatever the cause I'm glad to be at it again. Its been so very long!

Life is changing. But thats for another post.


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