Wednesday, July 27, 2011

so say we all

Excuse me friends while I have a nerdgasm all over your computer screen! It'll only take a moment, I swear. 

I have so much difficulty putting Battlestar Galactica into words. Allan and I have been watching the series for over two years now I think, and we're one episode away from the series finale. 

Its one of the best shows I've ever seen. It dazzles me what a complex universe they've created in just four seasons. Its about the end of the world, essentially. It all begins when humanoid robots (who, biologically, are entirely human... there are big clunky metal models as well) wipe out most of the human race in a nuclear attack. 50,000 people remain, and are left drifting through space in a fleet of ships. They are looking for a new planet to call home. The show has so many facets to it. It focuses on military strife, the reconstruction of the government, human ethics, worker's rights, the horrors of war. One of the great conflicts on the show is with religion - the humans are polytheists and essentially believe in the Greek gods, while the robots are monotheists and believe there is only one true God. The humans are hunted through space by the robots (who are called cylons), and must escape them at every turn.

I know a lot of people have an aversion to sci-fi but seriously... this show does a better job of portraying human relationships and depicting a believable system of society than a lot of shows I've watched. The show is largely about what it truly means to be human, and poses so many ethical questions. It has made me ponder and question my beliefs so many times. I'm in love with each character. The lady president with terminal breast cancer - the brave admiral of the fleet who treats each of his crew members like his own children - the amazing young pilots, who are totally badass. Even the cylons themselves, who become more and more human as the series progresses. I also admire how they live in a completely equal and gender neutral society - within the military ranks, everybody is called "sir", and the women on the show are just as tough and strong and capable  as any of the male characters, sometimes moreso... way it should be! Sigh, I don't want it to ever end.

Which television series have you all fallen in love with? Did it crush your heart to see them come to an end?


1 comment:

  1. Listen up miss! I wants to chat with you, so I'll be calling sometime around 12:30-1:00pm tomorrow. Don't be asleep! Then I'll have to come bang on your door before class. ♥
