Tuesday, April 12, 2011

your brains versus my tractorbeam

Today I am tired and sleepy. I had those weird sort of dreams that kind of ruin your entire day before you even open your eyes, so right from the get-go this day has not been fun. I had a plentiful breakfast and pretty much flew like a garbage bag to MUN. Its extremely windy out, and I am petite, what can I say? I arrived at the library windswept and contrary, as wind always makes me, only to realize that I forgot my cigarettes at home. No, today is not a very good day. Luckily, I have Psychology and English first up on the exam schedule, which are two of my easiest courses. Psychology requires minimal study, and English requires almost none except a quick review of notes and remembering the names of characters in novels. If wind and lack of smokes and easy exams are the worst things I have to complain about today, then I have a lucky girl indeed, really.

Today is another double feature on the 30 day movie challenge, but these two go together rather well, so no harm done.


Rhett Butler, "Gone With the Wind", 1939.

Come on, you know you love Gone with the Wind! Its one of the greatest, most epic movies of all time! And Clark Gable as Rhett in the movie especially warms my heart. His character is so laid back compared to the melodramatic southern belles and patriotic southern boys in the movie, he's probably the biggest relief the movie has to offer, as well as one of the only characters in the movie that really sees what's happening in a clear light, and sees the characters for what they truly are. When emotions are high, Rhett is the character that'll say,  straight up, exactly what's going through people's heads and exactly what needs to be done, whether people want to hear it or not. He's the only person that sees through Scarlett, and despite the fact that she's a raging selfish bitch, he loves her. He loves her because she's a raging selfish bitch. Its beautiful. Considering how old school this movie is, they're still one of the most realistic couples to ever grace the silver screen. I love them both. So yeah, Rhett Butler for the win!


Enid, "Ghost World", 2001.

Mmmm, Ghost World. This is still one the funniest movies I've ever seen, and the graphic novel by Daniel Clowes its based upon is golden. I love the attention to detail in the movie. Theres one movie where the two main character and walking down the street and one says to the other, in a bored tone, "Oh look, its the pants". The kinds of things you'd notice and say in real life. Its greatness. The movies main character Enid is especially great. She has to do summer school because she failed art, and is dealing with growing up and living on her own for the first time. She pretty much hates everyone, is self-conscious, and constantly changes her look. She's more or less the typical just out of high school girl, and I used to look up to her with beaming eyes when I was just such a girl. One of the most brilliant movie characters ever.

Now its back to the grind for me. I have my first exam tomorrow at 9am, and I have an unholy fear of sleeping in. Cross your fingers for me, and wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your exam pretty lady!!! I have a confession, I have not seen gone with the wind. But <3 Ghost world. : )
