Sunday, June 5, 2011

the unbearable lightness of being

This weekend, my beautiful friend Sarah lopped off all my hair! Daniel took this gorgeous photo of it, and I just had to share. He has the best camera phone (the best phone, really) of all time, and he takes some marvelous photos with it. Thank you Sarah for your amazing skills! Thank you Amki for holding my hand and giggling with me through our mutual transformation! Thank you friends for being so awesome and making my Friday a dream!

I'm already reaping the numerous benefits of short hair. Its not a tangled mess when I wake up in the morning! I have to use a dime sized amount of shampoo! I don't need conditioner! It takes 2 seconds to style! I will never beg my mom to grow out her curlies again, nor question why so many damn soccer moms have short hair. Its cute and fun and simple to live with. Hence, I am in LOVE. Goodbye long mess of difficulty, hello sweetness.

This Friday was surely a dream - walks in the sunshine, drinking delicious wine, having lots of girl time, lightsabers, numerous cigarettes, and a beer funnel full of sweet drenching love. My friends are awesome. Seriously.

Now I am settling down to a lazy Sunday of studying chemistry and anthropology, reading about health care, and wishing for coffee like nobody's business. I have two midterms this week, in anthro and chem, and an assignment due and all kinds of other stuff to be at. I've been sliding off the ball lately in terms of academicness, needs to scooch my way back up there! GPA, I shall lift you to the heavens!

G'day, sweethearts.



  1. Sierra, that haircut suits you SO WELL! Definitely an excellent decision, and what a great job Sarah did. :)

  2. I know, she is epic master haircut! I want her to open a scrapbooking themed hair salon, hehe.
