Wednesday, June 1, 2011

broken banana

Last night I spent a lovely time with friends at Mullock 'til 2am. Boy, was it fun! We broke out the instruments very briefly and got out Lora's art supplies and made some pretty creations. It was a good time. And Joey is home, so how could times ever be bad?

I am pretty much walking on sunshine this week, if I may use such a lame term of phrase. I got 3 epic Chemistry marks back on Monday - 77% on my assignment, 92% on my last lab and 83% on my dreaded final! 20% higher than than the class average and 33% higher than when I wrote the exam for the same chapters my first time doing chemistry, so I am pretty pleased.

Also, last night I had an interview with the admissions advisor at Eastern College about their PCA (personal care attendant) program. As some of you may know, I got rejected from the Centre for Nursing Studies, so I've been hauling my brain like putty trying to find something to do with my life. I could reapply, or apply to the bachelor of nursing program, or a dozen other things - but most of these things would require me to wait a year to apply. I needed something to do NOW. So I went down and talked to admissions missus, who was the SWEETEST WOMAN EVER, and she pretty much said that if I get all kinds of immunization, a criminal record check, and pass a simple English/math comprehension test I can start the 24-week PCA program on September 26th. HUZZAH! I have direction again! I'll be 1/3 of a nurse! My heart, she explodes.

This and other reasons Sierra is the happiest little bee ever. Its been a good week. I can only imagine what horrors the weekend has in store for me, because what goes up must come down I suppose. But I'll enjoy being high on life while this lasts. Because it feels so fucking good.


Tell me how you're all doing, my sweet darlings!